I live in Grimmered, located in Gothenburg. There I have my studio. Sometimes I paint watercolors. Sometimes I paint with egg oil mist, which I mix myself. It will be a matte and brilliant color that smells very good of the linseed oil. When painting with egg oil mist, the motives will be ladies who enjoys life. Occasionally there is a small men or a little child. The watercolors can represent a stove, some jugs or maybe a water can.
Since 1999 I have been able to support myself on my paintings, calendars and postcards. I paint almost everyday and think it’s so great that I simply do not can not help. One can say that I am self-taught with the exception of some courses a little here and where.
In the summer, I usually have an exhibition in my country house on Orust located on the west coast of Sweden.
My wish is that through my pictures could be to the delight of any other person, at least for a little while.